Rubber dams
Pneumatic pipe plugs
Cutter wheels
General pipe clamps
Action Petroleum
- Skimmers
- Dam anchoring systems
- Reusable absorbing dams made from polyetil

- Tubing cutters for stainless steel
- Mid-Line Vises
- Strap Wrenches

- Pneumatic egg shape plugs
- Maxi lifting bags
- Pneumatic pipe plugs

- Nut Splitter

- Cage Clamps

United Pipeline Products
- UNI-Grip
- UNI-Flex
- UNI-Plastgrip



Pneumatic pipe plugs   Pneumatic pipe plugs
Plugy (for blocking flow) and Plugsy (flow-through). Surface ribs promote superior grip inside the pipe.Advanced rubber compound and Rayon-Kevlar reinforcement make it possible for one plug...
Pneumatic egg shape plugs   Pneumatic egg shape plugs
The shape of first three sizes is adjusted to the shape of a pipeline, while the larger two sizes are pillow-shaped to simplify insertion through gullies. Both shapes assure excellent sealing...
Maxi lifting bags   Maxi lifting bags
Sava low pressure Maxi lifting bags are an excellent choice for large vehicles, trucks, trailers and aircraft recovery operations. Maxi lifting bags are up to 2,1 m tall with lifting capacities of...
Flat-form lifting bags   Flat-form lifting bags
Flat Bags are perfected standard lifting bags. Due to the construction the entire bag surface lifts evenly providing a constant lifting force independent of the lifting height. The levelled bag...
Rubber dams   Rubber dams
A rubber dam is a rubber membrane filled with water or air, attached to the concrete sill. In the upright – full position it serves as a barrier which impounds...

ACTION PETROLEUM GROUP      46-50 Dealul Tugulea st., Bucharest - sector 6
Tel/fax: +4021 771 74 15   Mobile phone: +40722 761 814
   E-mail: office@apg.ro

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